
Bikram Hotyoga; Hatha;
SENTENCE: "Once your life is your expression of blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone." – Sadhguru
FOOD: Asian Food
BOOK: "Youth and Truth" – Bhagwat Gita (Vyasa)
SONG: "Govind Bolo Hari Gopal Bolo" – Indian devotional song
WORD: RockNRoll
Get in Touch:

In a deep search of solutions to several problems life embraces me to a successful path to my journey to Yoga (Bikram Yoga).

For me is:

  • The mirror: 90 minutes in deep, conscious involvement with yourself has no entanglement – there is just joy The practice – It’s not just performing asanas, but a way of life. It’s not only makes body healthy but it even relaxes mind and oozes out negativity.
  • The balances: Give balance to every aspect of life.
  • The class:  Give opportunity to create the right climate in your body, mind, and emotion, health, wellbeing, and joy
  • Yoga: Finding Ultimate Expression to Life
  • Bending: The body: Ultimate tool for enhancing human capabilities…

I am a learner and every yoga class teaches me to functioning at the highest peak of body and mind.


Facts about Vivek -
Coffees per day
Hours of sleep per night
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