
Kids Yoga
SENTENCE: "Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.“ Buddha
FOOD: Mexican Food
BOOK: Und die liebe hört niemals auf, Paulo Coelho
SONG: "You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman, Aretha Franklin
WORD: apapachar
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As a teenager, a snowboarding accident led me to yoga. On medical advice, I started yoga to strengthen my ligaments and tendons, initially with great reluctance.

At the time, yoga didn’t fit in at all with what I envisioned for my life. But after the first few classes, I realized how beneficial it was, not only for my body but also for my soul.

What was once just a “rehab measure” quickly developed into a deep passion. Yoga gave me peace in turbulent times, helped me to find my inner balance and opened up a new, powerful connection to myself. It became an integral part of my life, an anchor that gives me strength, clarity and peace.

The positive changes have inspired me to share and teach this knowledge. It fulfills me to accompany others on their path, to show them how yoga can give strength and peace at the same time and, above all, how it has a positive influence on body and mind. For me, yoga is not just exercise, but a philosophy of life that I share with passion.

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