FOOD: Kicharee (such an ayurvedic stew with rice, lentils and "everything" plus lots of turmeric)
BOOK: "Bhagavad Gita"
SONG: Doesn't matter as long as "ntz-ntz-ntz" with bass
WORD: Schamparschön
How did yoga find me?
Yoga has flashed up in my life every now and then, but I never really had time for it next to competitive, combat, endurance and fun sports…. until a complicated shoulder injury led me to do less WorkOUT and more WorkIN.
Today, mindful health is my focus in life. I work as a yoga teacher and Ayurvedic therapist. Even after very many years of yoga, my hamstrings are still shortened and I feel my arms are shorter than average (I am also affectionately called the Yoga-T-Rex). But all this teaches me every day again that – above all – we need to be flexible in our head to practice yoga. For the rest, yoga itself is flexible enough to adapt to us.
In my yoga classes, I want to make things more accessible to my students that took me running my head through a wall to get.