Inferno Hot Pilates
SENTENCE: Stressfree life
FOOD: Mayo with fries ;-)
BOOK: Die Eleganz des Igels....and many more
SONG: There is not just one song....
WORD: Gymbagforgetter
FOOD: Mayo with fries ;-)
BOOK: Die Eleganz des Igels....and many more
SONG: There is not just one song....
WORD: Gymbagforgetter
After an accident and a physical knock out, not overly dramatic, but still very formative, I found myself again through yoga, especially Bikram yoga, and returned from being a pain patient to an almost pain-free life. Then you ask yourself what is really important in life. At some point I decided to only do what makes me REALLY happy and that is yoga. I love practicing it and I love teaching it just as much. I quit my job and became a professional yogi. And if I reach even one person whose life I can make more beautiful with it, then I’ve done everything right. End of story.
Facts about Carmen -
Sock size
Coffee per day
Hours of sleep per night